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Funny Christmas Cards Ideas for Singles

Christmas is coming which means your Facebook and Instagram are going to be flooded with cute couples that paid for a photoshoot in the snow, just to wish us a warm and Merry Christmas. To some, it's super cute and thoughtful. To single folks, well...let's just say that it's just another painful reminder that we're celebrating the holidays alone. Thankfully, we have a trick up our sleeve. You cute couples won't be the only ones sending out Christmas cards this year!

We've pulled together 15 of the best Christmas cards from single people all around the world. Some enjoy the company of their animals (especially cats), while others enjoy the good ole taste of alcohol and humor. Whether you're single or not, we know that you'll enjoy these. We wish we were lucky enough to have gotten these gems in the mail!

15 Me, myself, and my...chicken?

Via: pinterest.com
Via: pinterest.com

The weirdest thing about this picture is Bridget says "Merry Christmas from me and this chicken." "This" meaning it's not hers! It's just a random chicken that she saw and posed with! Obviously, she's had one too many to drink (we see five bottles of wine in the picture), but that doesn't mean she can just swoop a chicken into her arms and throw a Santa hat on him! Look at the second picture! He wants to get away from this lunatic! He does look super cute, though. We never knew a Santa hat could look so good on a chicken, but now that we do know, we request all farmers to dress their chickens up for Christmas.

Bridget wins the most random Christmas card of the year, don't you agree? We're glad that she has a great sense of humor and isn't afraid to pick up random animals and dress them in silly little costumes for a picture. You go, Bridget.

14 It's a photoshopped Christmas miracle!

Via: photoshop.com
Via: photoshop.com

Well, this is new! Here you have one man who photoshopped himself all over his house. This is brilliant. We can't even imagine how long this took him to create. He's posing differently in each one! Honestly, how long did this take to make? He's got two clones of himself clinking their glasses perfectly, one guy is laughing on the couch while the other looks bummed out and there are a few of his clones decorating the tree. The one that we don't understand is the one staring out the window. What was he looking at? Also, why is he climbing on the wall behind the tree? Is he part lizard?

The thing that makes us laugh the most is the fact that he signs the card saying "From my family to yours." We wonder what his actual family thought about this! This Christmas card is filled with cheer.

13 Still single, still as fabulous as ever

Via: pinterest.com
Via: pinterest.com

We have a message for Lisa: you are the most fabulous woman to walk the earth. Honestly! We're so thankful for these photos of you in your true form. You seem like you're a hilarious woman that knows how to have fun. You're probably the biggest party animal out of your friend's group, are we right? We love how in the first picture you're drinking fireball out of the bottle. You don't even have a disgusted face on; you must be a pro! Plus, that martini you have? Looks delish! Although, we're almost certain it's just fireball poured into a glass. The third picture shows the aftermath of drinking an entire bottle of fireball. Pure gold.

We want to meet Lisa and become her best friend. We want to attend the parties she goes to and dance the night away. All the single ladies should meet up with Lisa (or someone like her) and forget about men! Being single is almost as fabulous as Lisa.

12 Love stinks (yeah, yeah)

Via: theberry.com
Via: theberry.com

Oh, Bridget. She is the epitome of salty in this picture. While this picture is pure gold (she did a bangin' job with the tree and she looks nice in the dress), she's proving that all the single ladies are kind of psycho around the holidays. The fact that she's sitting on a dirt mound (and have dirt all over herself) kind of makes us think that there's more to the story. Did she kill her ex-lover? Is that why she's filthy and drinking more than three bottles of wine? She does have a creepy psycho killer look on her face. We're actually quite nervous for her future boyfriends (that is, if she has any).

At first glance, when we read her Christmas card, all we could think of is the movie The Wedding Singer, where Adam Sandler's character sings about how love stinks (yeah, yeah). So, thanks for that! We have the song stuck in our head now.

11 Meowy Catmas!

Via: theberry.com
Via: theberry.com

Did you honestly think that we could share pictures of single people on Christmas and not include one with a cat lady? If so, you're crazy! Cat ladies live for holidays like Christmas! It's the one time of the year (excluding Halloween) that they can dress up their cats in the most ridiculous outfits and get away with it. Just look at John and Nemo! They're so happy to be involved in this woman's shenanigans...not. Look at how angry Nemo is! He looks like he's about ready to pounce on his brother John! John's just sitting there like, "Oh my god woman, hurry up so I can get out of here," while the owner of these frisky felines has her eyes closed, completely unaware of what's actually happening.

This photo is what we'd like to call a beautiful disaster. Beautiful because just look at how happy that woman is. She's over the moon with her cats. It's a disaster because, well...those cats are out for blood. Santa better hide his reindeer, the cats might attack!

10 From me and my pup

Via: theberry.com
Via: theberry.com

This...is perfect. Look at that perfect little angel! That dog is happier than any girl we've ever seen. He's like, "I must pose with my human and smile." Awww, we love him so much. The guy's okay too, we just really like the dog. No, but for real though, this man is brilliant! He's got a nice outfit on, the tree's in the right place and he's got a little cup of cheer. His facial expression almost shouts, "Welcome to our home, what can we do for you?" We really can't believe how adorable his dog is, though. He's posed in the most perfect position, it's as if he was made for this job!

Well done, sir. You and your dog are perfect. We're not sure how we feel about the yellow chairs, but to each their own. By the way, great job on setting up the tree just right! It fits perfectly inside of the curtains.

9 Just me. No one else

Via: pinterest.com
Via: pinterest.com

Oh, my god. Khadejeh, is literally the best person in the world. This picture is gold. It's got humor, sarcasm and wine. What more could a girl want? The thing we love the most about this is the fact that Khadejeh has style. She's not ashamed that she's alone for the holidays. She's perfectly fine being a single lady sipping on wine. Who needs men, anyway? The background is perfect, too! You don't need snow to be on the ground to take an awesome Christmas picture, after all. We're glad that she had this shot taken of her; we think that it really shows her in her true form.

So, thank you, Khadejeh. We're so thankful that you're not one of those salty females that thinks she needs a boyfriend to survive the cold winter nights. Keep sipping on that wine and you'll be just fine.

8 I guess it's a Merry Christmas...

Via: imgur.com
Via: imgur.com

If we could speak to Brad, this is what we'd say: Aw, buddy. Does all the cheer and holiday spirit in the air have you down? We're sorry. You look like you're going to cry your eyes out if you see one more mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. But hey, that beer will keep you feeling warm and fuzzy throughout the night! Maybe you'll even muster up the courage to kiss a stranger under the mistletoe! Who knows? Anything could happen. Don't beat yourself up over the holidays; they'll be over before you know it!

This picture is great. It shows us that girls aren't the only one's that are upset over not having a date on Christmas! Plus, Brad is really good at posing like a sad, little puppy. We wonder if he had a lot of time to practice? We think a new Santa hat is in order, too. This one looks a little too small for his head.

7 Piggy love!

Via: theberry.com
Via: theberry.com

You know what? This is just the right amount of weird. The background is perfect and that guinea pig is really, really cute. We don't really see too many Christmas pictures with animals other than a cat or a dog, so this was refreshing! Just look at the little antlers and bows on this cutie's head! We're in love and we all want a Christmas piggy! The woman, however... We can't tell if she was trying to look incredibly creepy in the main picture or not. She looks like she wasn't quite ready for this shot to be taken. The second image, however, is perfect. She and her piggy are both looking up at the falling snow. So cute!

We're really glad we stumbled across this picture. If anything, it made us want a guinea pig really badly.

6 Wine, depression and Christmas all in one picture

Via: imgur.com
Via: imgur.com

Ah, yes. This is what everyone assumes all single people around the world do on Christmas (and basically every other holiday...especially Valentine's Day). This single lady deserves an award for being so spot on! Here, you have a single girl in her living room (or possibly her bedroom). She didn't want to do a glamour shot, you know, with the nice woodland-themed background with the ground covered in snow. She went all natural instead. She gathered up a red curtain, Charlie Brown Christmas tree, boxed chocolate and an entire bottle of wine. She's even wearing a lone wolf shirt. She's got this single thing down to a T.

The facial expression that she has on is awesome, too. Not super sad, yet not too fake. We're thankful for people that don't take photoshoots super seriously. This is a brilliant picture.

5 My one true love

Via: pinterest.com
Via: pinterest.com

This picture honestly gives us life. Fear not, fellow cat-lovers, for this brilliant man is here to show you that you can have a happy and fulfilled life with just a cat. Look at how incredibly happy they both are. Okay, so the man is probably a little bit happier than the cat, but in the cat's defense, he probably didn't want to wear that silly Santa hat and beard. The cat is definitely dealing with it pretty well, though. He looks just about done, but he's tolerating it fairly well.

And the single headshots? Wow. There is so much emotion between both of them, we might tear up. The man is looking at his cat lovingly while his cat looks back and him like, "I know, I'm fabulous." The next time this dynamic duo decides to send out Christmas cards, we want one.

4 From all of us to you

Via: theberry.com
Via: theberry.com

Should we tell him or do you want to? Alright, we guess we will...Sir? There's literally no one in the picture with you. The look on your face tells us that you know that already, we just wanted to make sure you got the memo.

In all seriousness, this picture is pretty genius. It makes people take another look at the image to see if they missed someone. Perhaps they were hiding behind the couch? No? Hmm. Guess we were right all along—he's alone. So painfully alone. We almost wish that we could hop into this picture with him. Maybe he would have cracked a smile if we were there! We'll rate this picture with a seven out of 10. Mainly because we think it would have been that much funnier had he incorporated alcohol or an animal (or if he made a sad face!). He looks like a miserable Grinch (which might be why he's single).

3 Lol, fooled ya!

Via: pinterest.com
Via: pinterest.com

LOL. This is pure gold. A lot of people that do this have really tiny wrists and you can tell that it's fake. However, this woman posed her wrists (and arms) perfectly and it fooled us. If she didn't have a significant other before this picture was taken, we're almost positive that after seeing this, someone will want her just for her good sense of humor. We love how perfect everything is in this picture, too. The tree is decorated nicely, there are presents under the tree and the pictures are high quality! The only weird thing about this picture is the pants she chose for her "partner." They're a little funky but hey, if that's what she likes, then it works for us.

Ladies (and gentlemen), if you're ever going to take a Christmas picture while single, this would be the one to copy. We give her a 10 out of 10. Bravo, this is brilliant.

2 With love (and extra cheese)

Via: imgur.com
Via: imgur.com

Ah, yes. The cold winter air, the smell of fresh snow and the taste of warm, cheesy pizza. Honestly, if pizza was an acceptable significant other, we'd all be dating it. The plus side is that even when pizza is cold, it's good. It'll never let you down and it'll fill your insides with warm goodness that you really can't find anywhere else. No significant other will make you happier than a pizza will (and if they do, hold on to them). The best part of this Christmas card is the third picture. She's holding an ultrasound photo up to her stomach and guess what? It's not a boy or a girl! It's pizza! Yay!

We're almost positive that she could deal with nine months of pizza just fine. She'll have no morning sickness, no one will ask to touch her stomach and there's no need to set up a nursery for pizza. You know, unless you really want to dedicate an entire room to it. Hey, we won't judge. You do you!

1 Not so merry and bright

Via: imgur.com
Via: imgur.com

This girl has vengeance on her mind—you can see it in her eyes! Not even Santa's cheerful smile could turn her frown upside down. We aren't sure if she's angry that she's not invited to a Christmas party or if she just refuses to go to one. Her caption reads, "Have fun without me," so we're thinking that it can't be too good. At least she has wine to keep her cheery and warm throughout the cold winter nights. Perhaps, she should have asked Santa for a boyfriend while she was sitting on his lap. Or, maybe she did and that's why he's laughing. Some people are better off alone, right?

Whatever the story behind this picture is, we're glad it was taken. Her facial expression is the best. Santa looks ungodly uncomfortable. What more could you ask for in a Christmas card? Not much, if we do say so ourselves.


Source: https://www.thethings.com/15-hilarious-bitterly-single-christmas-cards-that-totally-win-at-life/

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