Ink & Toner Cartridge Recycling
Ink & Toner Recycling
Earn rewards for recycling your ink & toner cartridges from any make or whatever store at Office Depot. Not a rewards member? Enroll today.
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Recycle In-Shop
Rewards members can conveniently recycle their used ink and toner cartridges at any one of our almost ane,100 stores nationwide.
Simply bring your used ink cartridge into the store to recycle and an associate at the register will quickly aid you.
By Post
Impress a gratis pre-paid UPS shipping label, and then drop your package off at your local UPS store.
Rewards are not available for returns made by mail.
Proud to be an HP Recycling Partner
Office Depot is proud to bring together the efforts in helping to protect the environment. More than 65 one thousand thousand ink and toner cartridges take been kept out of landfills since 2003.
GreenerOffice™ Products and Tools
Simple ways to help you improve your environmental sustainability…plus a spotlight on our own corporate sustainability efforts.
Loftier-quality, sustainable products with eco-attributes and eco-labels to aid you reduce your ecology impact.
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Corporate Sustainability
See how we're helping our people, communities and business thrive.
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Office Depot® OfficeMax® Recycling Rewards: $two back in rewards is earned for each recycled cartridge upward to 10 per calendar month. A $ten minimum monthly purchase is required, excluding revenue enhancement, delivery fees, purchases of all gift and prepaid gift cards, stamp stamps, and purchases fabricated with rewards and/or merchandise certificates/cards. We practise non accept damaged cartridges. Program recycling rewards are paid out monthly online only as a rewards certificate when a minimum of $three is earned. Program rewards will expire at the end of each calendar quarter if less than $3 has been earned. Bonus recycling rewards are paid out the twenty-four hours later on the qualifying purchase posts to a Fellow member's account equally a reward document for the total value of rewards earned.
Office Depot® OfficeMax® Rewards: Rewards are earned on the price paid for an item or service before tax and later on deducting all discounts, the value of free gifts and the value of whatsoever rewards and/or merchandise certificates/cards applied to that purchase. No rewards are earned on delivery fees; stamp stamps; gift or pre-paid cards; Secure Shredding and Storage services; Office Depot Market items; tech, piece of furniture, marketing or administrative services; Centriq services or any third party services. Program rewards are paid out monthly online only as a rewards document when a minimum of $3 is earned. Program rewards will expire at the cease of each agenda quarter if less than $three has been earned. Bonus rewards are paid out separately and do not contribute to the adding of Plan rewards. Rewards certificates are redeemable for future purchases at Office Depot and OfficeMax stores,, or by phone at 800-GO-DEPOT. Limit 1 account per household/business. For total Rewards Plan Terms & Weather condition, please click here.
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